Work Equipment Use Policy

Work equipment is provided to you for you to be able to do your day to day job functions. These may include laptop, phone, various peripherals, etc. The function of this equipment is for work purposes.

All software products related to work functions installed should be approved by your team lead. rTraction recognizes that you may wish to use work equipment for personal purposes. We authorize you to do so with the following limitations:

  1. Only legally purchased software and/or content you have purchased may be used on the equipment at any given time. For purposes of this understanding, you shall qualify as the purchaser if the license is valid under a family home sharing plan (such as Apple's).

  2. The use of such software/content does not inhibit/restrict your ability to do your job function (either by distraction, degradation of performance, etc).

  3. You may not use software that violates any of our privacy agreements or vendor agreements with regards to transmittal or broadcast of information

  4. The software is not used for illegal or immoral purposes (such as torrenting software).

  5. Any software/content is legally allowed to be distributed within Canada.

  6. Any software/content is free from pornography or other content which the company finds offensive.

Failure to abide by the above restrictions will lead to disciplinary action at the sole discretion of rTraction, including but not limited to removal of access to company equipment, a full ban on personal use of equipment, written warnings or termination depending on the severity of the infraction.

Some roles will require the creation of corporate accounts, whether for software or for vendor services. In all such cases:

  1. An admin account MUST be created and shared with, and the password must be tracked in the corporate password management tool. Ideally, the admin account will also use an appropriate group email (e.g., for corporate-level accounts, for sales services).

  2. If two-factor authentication is required, all owners and the COO MUST have the ability to access the 2nd factor through devices within their control.

Approved by:

__________________________ _____________________

[Signing Officer] Date

Last updated

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